2,435 research outputs found

    Ramasse-miettes générationnel et incémental gérant les cycles et les gros objets en utilisant des frames délimités

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    Ces dernières années, des recherches ont été menées sur plusieurs techniques reliées à la collection des déchets. Plusieurs découvertes centrales pour le ramassage de miettes par copie ont été réalisées. Cependant, des améliorations sont encore possibles. Dans ce mémoire, nous introduisons des nouvelles techniques et de nouveaux algorithmes pour améliorer le ramassage de miettes. En particulier, nous introduisons une technique utilisant des cadres délimités pour marquer et retracer les pointeurs racines. Cette technique permet un calcul efficace de l'ensemble des racines. Elle réutilise des concepts de deux techniques existantes, card marking et remembered sets, et utilise une configuration bidirectionelle des objets pour améliorer ces concepts en stabilisant le surplus de mémoire utilisée et en réduisant la charge de travail lors du parcours des pointeurs. Nous présentons aussi un algorithme pour marquer récursivement les objets rejoignables sans utiliser de pile (éliminant le gaspillage de mémoire habituel). Nous adaptons cet algorithme pour implémenter un ramasse-miettes copiant en profondeur et améliorer la localité du heap. Nous améliorons l'algorithme de collection des miettes older-first et sa version générationnelle en ajoutant une phase de marquage garantissant la collection de toutes les miettes, incluant les structures cycliques réparties sur plusieurs fenêtres. Finalement, nous introduisons une technique pour gérer les gros objets. Pour tester nos idées, nous avons conçu et implémenté, dans la machine virtuelle libre Java SableVM, un cadre de développement portable et extensible pour la collection des miettes. Dans ce cadre, nous avons implémenté des algorithmes de collection semi-space, older-first et generational. Nos expérimentations montrent que la technique du cadre délimité procure des performances compétitives pour plusieurs benchmarks. Elles montrent aussi que, pour la plupart des benchmarks, notre algorithme de parcours en profondeur améliore la localité et augmente ainsi la performance. Nos mesures de la performance générale montrent que, utilisant nos techniques, un ramasse-miettes peut délivrer une performance compétitive et surpasser celle des ramasses-miettes existants pour plusieurs benchmarks. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Ramasse-Miettes, Machine Virtuelle, Java, SableVM

    The CKM parameters in the SMEFT

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    The extraction of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix from flavour observables can be affected by physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). We provide a general roadmap to take this into account, which we apply to the case of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). We choose a set of four input observables that determine the four Wolfenstein parameters, and discuss how the effects of dimension-six operators can be included in their definition. We provide numerical values and confidence intervals for the CKM parameters, and compare them with the results of CKM fits obtained in the SM context. Our approach allows one to perform general SMEFT analyses in a consistent fashion, independently of any assumptions about the way new physics affects flavour observables. We discuss a few examples illustrating how our approach can be implemented in practice.Comment: 36 pages. Version published in JHE

    Semiautomatic determination of orientations and elastic strain from Kossel microdiffraction

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    The technique of divergent beam X-ray (Kossel) diffraction is being used for determination of local lattice orientations and lattice distortions (elastic strains). The Kossel patterns are recorded in a scanning electron microscope using a digital camera. The advancement in automation of the of the system relies on computerized interpretation of the Kossel patterns. The paper reports on a package of computer programs facilitating computation of orientations and the strain tensors from the geometry of Kossel conics. The orientation and strain parameters are determined based on conics marked manually on experimental patterns; these marked conics are matched with simulated patterns. The program can simultaneously match multiple patterns originating from the same sample location. The software does not require special orientations, and it is not limited to any particular material. Tests on simulated patterns have been used to confirm the internal consistency of the program. These tests also indicate the achievable accuracy; with the current approach, it is estimated to be about 3×10-4

    Semiautomatic determination of orientations and elastic strain from Kossel microdiffraction

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    The technique of divergent beam X-ray (Kossel) diffraction is being used for determination of local lattice orientations and lattice distortions (elastic strains). The Kossel patterns are recorded in a scanning electron microscope using a digital camera. The advancement in automation of the of the system relies on computerized interpretation of the Kossel patterns. The paper reports on a package of computer programs facilitating computation of orientations and the strain tensors from the geometry of Kossel conics. The orientation and strain parameters are determined based on conics marked manually on experimental patterns; these marked conics are matched with simulated patterns. The program can simultaneously match multiple patterns originating from the same sample location. The software does not require special orientations, and it is not limited to any particular material. Tests on simulated patterns have been used to confirm the internal consistency of the program. These tests also indicate the achievable accuracy; with the current approach, it is estimated to be about 3×10-4


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    ABSTRAKTsunami pada Desember 2004, yang dipicu oleh gempa berkekuatan 9.0 SR di sebelah utara pulau Sumatra mengakibatkan kerugian yang sangat besar. Aceh merupakan daerah paling parah dengan korban tewas sebanyak 123.000 jiwa, 113.000 orang hilang, 406.000 orang kehilangan tempat tinggal. Faktor utama timbulnya banyak korban akibat bencana gempa bumi adalah kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang bencana dan kesiapan mereka dalam mengantisipasi bencana. Sekolah merupakan salah satu media transformasi ilmu pengetahuan yang paling efektif dalam menyerap dan mengaplikasikan pengetahuan kesiapan menghadapi bencana dengan menggunakan metode yang tepat dan benar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan tingkat pendidikan formal dengan tingkat kesiapsiagaan dalam menghadapi bencana tsunami. Populasi penelitian ini 494 orang kepala keluarga dan terdapat jumlah sampel sebanyak 84 responden. Pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah non-probability sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dengan wawancara terarah dan diolah dengan menggunakan statistik uji Kolmogorov Smirnov dengan hasil 55 responden (66%) memiliki kesiapsiagaaan rendah dan tingkat pendidikan yang paling banyak adalah pendidikan dasar berjumlah 67 responden (80%). Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh tingkat pendidikan dengan tingkat kesiapsiagaan kepala keluaga di Desa Alue Naga kecamatan Syiah Kuala Kota Banda Aceh dengan nilai p=0,000 (pBanda Ace

    Attentional filtering of visual information by neuronal ensembles in the primate lateral prefrontal cortex.

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    The activity of neurons in the primate lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) is strongly modulated by visual attention. Such a modulation has mostly been documented by averaging the activity of independently recorded neurons over repeated experimental trials. However, in realistic settings, ensembles of simultaneously active LPFC neurons must generate attentional signals on a single-trial basis, despite the individual and correlated variability of neuronal responses. Whether, under these circumstances, the LPFC can reliably generate attentional signals is unclear. Here, we show that the simultaneous activity of neuronal ensembles in the primate LPFC can be reliably decoded to predict the allocation of attention on a single-trial basis. Decoding was sensitive to the noise correlation structure of the ensembles. Additionally, it was resilient to distractors, predictive of behavior, and stable over weeks. Thus, LPFC neuronal ensemble activity can reliably encode attention within behavioral time frames, despite the noisy and correlated nature of neuronal activity

    Иерархическая организация мира, интеллект и сознание

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    Отказ от фиксированной сложности элементов нижележащих уровней позволил показать, что с точки зрения иерархической организации неживые тела, живые организмы и сознание существуют одинаковым образом, как физическая реальность. Такие свойства сознания, как целостность, контекстность, переживание и чувствование, можно описать только с позиции физического существования, но не формальных или алгоритмических систем. Делается вывод, что сознание не может быть получено с помощью машины Тьюринга и иных вычислительных систем, основанных на формальных принципах.Відмова від фіксованої складності елементів долішніх рівней дозволили показати, що з точки зору ієрархічної організації неживі тіла, живі організми та свідомість існують однаковим чином, як фізична реальність. Такі властивості свідомості, як цілісність, контекстність, переживання та почування, можливо описати лише за позиції фізичного існування, але не формальних або алгоритмічних систем. Робиться висновок, що свідомість не може бути отримана з допомогою машини Тьюрінгу і інших обчислювальних систем, заснованих на формальних принципах.Refusal from fixed complexity of elements of underlying levels has allowed to show that from the point of view of the hierarchical organization lifeless bodies, live organisms and consciousness exist equally, as a physical reality. Such properties of consciousness as integrity, contextual, and feeling it is possible to reproduce experience only from a position of physical existence, but not formal or algorithmic systems. The conclusion becomes that the consciousness cannot be received by means of the machine of the Turing and other computing systems based on formal principles